NPM vs NPX: What's the Difference?

NPM vs NPX: What's the Difference?

If you're new to the JavaScript ecosystem, you've probably encountered the terms NPM and NPX. While they sound similar, they serve different purposes. Let's break down what each one does and when to use them.

NPM: Node Package Manager

NPM (Node Package Manager) is the default package manager for Node.js. It allows you to install and manage JavaScript packages for your projects.

What NPM does:

  1. Installs packages

  2. Manages dependencies

  3. Runs scripts defined in package.json

Example of using NPM:

# Install a package
npm install lodash
# Run a script defined in package.json
npm run start

NPX: Node Package Execute

NPX is a package runner tool that comes bundled with NPM (version 5.2+). It allows you to execute Node.js packages without installing them globally or locally.

What NPX does:

  1. Executes packages without installation

  2. Runs one-off commands

  3. Avoids global package conflicts

# Run create-react-app without installing it globally
npx create-react-app my-new-app

# Run a specific version of a package
npx cowsay@1.4.0 "Hello, NPX!"

Key Differences

  1. Installation: NPM installs packages, while NPX executes packages without installing them.

  2. Usage: NPM is for managing project dependencies, while NPX is for running one-off commands or trying out packages.

  3. Scope: NPM operates on your project's node_modules, while NPX can run packages that aren't in your project at all.

When to Use Each

  • Use NPM when:

    • You need to install packages for your project

    • You want to manage your project's dependencies

    • You're running scripts defined in your package.json

  • Use NPX when:

    • You want to run a package without installing it

    • You need to execute a one-time command

    • You want to try out a package without adding it to your project


NPM is your go-to for managing packages, while NPX is perfect for quick executions and trying out new tools without cluttering your system.